Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Reflections and 2015 Goals

When I look back on the things that occurred in 2014, I have to say, I truly believe that it was a great year for me. Though we started out the year with sadness, it ended with such great happiness and joy.

2014 Reflections:

JANUARY- Went to Miami, FL with some college buddies and had a blast! Started the third semester of my graduate program.
FEBRUARY- ( I can't recall anything big happening during this month.)
MARCH- My first pub crawl in Milwaukee, WI for St. Patty's day with friends. Went to Ohio for the Midwest Asian American Student Union (MAASU) Spring conference with UWW's SAO. Decided that Long and I wanted to get married :) <3
APRIL- Attended a cultural trip in MN with UWW students. I went to a Buddha temple for my very first time.
MAY- Celebrated Mother's Day, Paxton's Bday, and Mel's Bday
JUNE- Road tripped with my family to Colorado. We camped in the Rocky Mountains for a few nights, spent the day in Denver, CO and ate a Asian Cajun (it was delicious!), drove down and camped out at the Great Sand Dunes for one night. Spent one night in Kansas City, MO on the way back home. Watched the PHANTOM OF THE OPERA broad way show for the very first time. Went with Long to our very first concert at Summerfest watching Bruno Mars. Long started his law enforcement job.
JULY- Spent July 4th up in MN with my sisters and friend.
AUGUST- Moved to our new place. Photo shoot with SMPQ. Started my Career Development internship at BTC.
SEPTEMBER- Started my last semester of graduate school. Went wedding dress shopping with my sisters and BFF and purchased THE DRESS.
OCTOBER- Celebrated my QUARTER of a CENTURY birthday and did our house warming together. Experienced my first time at a strip club. Did another pub crawl for HALLOWEEN.
NOVEMBER- Celebrated a college buddy's birthday in Wis Dells. Spent Thanksgiving in my hometown.
DECEMBER- Finished graduate school!!! Got a job offer at my alma mater! Spent Christmas with both our families.

As I start the new year (2015), there are a few things I want to keep in mind:
  1. Be you and do YOU.
  2. Forgive and forget. There were some people that used to be in my life that I held a grudge against because of stupid reasons. Well they weren't stupid to me then but now when I think about it, it is pretty darn stupid. They once had a spot in my life, but now they're just like any other person to me. I can't help what happened. Maybe I didn't try hard enough to console or speak up, but what happened, happened. It's done. It's time to move on and stop thinking about it.
  3. Choose your friends wisely. This point falls closely with number two. Even though I've lost a few friends who I used to be close with, I found that I was able to gain numerous more. And no it's not because I felt the need to have a big group of friends to make me feel good. But that's what college is all about. Meeting new people and building new relationships. I am so thankful that I was able to meet so many new people and still keep a close connection with those that matter to me. Your friends should be like your family when you're away. They should be your backbone, your biggest supporters, your encouragement, your happiness, etc. By now I know who are genuinely my real friends and who are not. 
  4. Pray for your enemies and those who have hurt you. This may be hard for one to do, but it must be done. No matter how much they hurt you or how many times, you should always pray for them. I am going to try hard to do this as much as I can. There's no point in holding grudges or getting revenge. Cast those negative feelings and thoughts aside. There should be no room in your life for all that negativity.
 "Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."

Jesus isn't telling us to forgive our brothers 490 times, or 70 times, or 77 times. He's telling us we should always forgive our brothers when they have sinned against us. God in heaven has forgiven us all of humanity's sins. How wrong it would be for us to deny our brothers and sisters a similar forgiveness for much lesser matters.

5. Always be thankful and give thanks. I am generally really good at this already but in the new year I want to continue doing this because you can never be too thankful for anything.
6. Wedding preparations. It's true. I am getting married this year! August 28 & 29 are the big days! Dress is ordered. Right now I just need to talk to my Pastor then book the hotel. Well there's more preparing to do than this but those are the big ones for now. Oh and we must continue to save, save, save!
7. Stay healthy. By this I do not mean do tons of working out and cutting my diet in half. This just means stop sitting on the couch all day and do at least 30mins of cardio. Also, watch what I'm eating and don't indulge too much (that's so hard though!).
8. LOANS, LOANS, LOANS. Start paying my loans :( I'm hoping this won't hurt as bad as I think it does.
9. Make time for family and friends.
10. Think of babies! 

Best Christmas Present

As I was writing my last post, I received an email from the Director of Advising at my alma mater. I had applied for an emergency hire position as an Academic Advisor a few weeks earlier. She finally replied back and told me that they had already made the offer for that position to someone else. But she wanted to meet with me in person to get to know me a little better. I called her immediately and set up an appointment to meet with her the following Monday.

Monday finally came around. I went in to meet with her after my internship. I got there early and was super tired, so I sat in my car for about 30 minutes before going in.

Long story short, I was offered a different emergency hire position as an Advisor there. The offer was made and accepted that same day. I went in with no intentions of getting an offer whatsoever, but I did and I was so happy and excited!

I couldn't turn down the offer. It was one of the two options I wanted to be after graduate school, a great way to get my foot in the door, plus it was at my alma mater where I already knew how they system works. Everything worked out so well. This was literally the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT ever!

I start January 5th and am so excited to begin a new journey! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ!